For the audition, actors/singers are asked to prepare:

(1) 16 bars of a song that you feel most comfortable singing, in any style and 

(1) 16 bars of a song from the light opera/Golden Age tradition

Optional: If you wish to prepare a talent of any kind, we highly encourage (and would appreciate) a brief performance/demonstration.

Golden Age/operetta selections could include:

  • Pirates of Penzance or other Gilbert and Sullivan work

  • Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Meredith Willson, Leonard Bernstein, etc

If you have any concerns finding suitable audition material, feel free to contact the music director (

We are welcoming both in person auditions and video submissions for all roles.

Dancers/performers interested in non-singing roles, you are asked to prepare:

  • A demonstration of your talents/skills/interests


Frederic. 21, male or female. A college intern spending his last summer working at a pirate-themed minigolf course. Manly, heroic, naive and, most importantly, a slave of duty. Strong singer, flexible vocal range.

Pirate King. 40s, male. Overzealous employee of Penzance Putt-Putt, a pirate-themed minigolf course. Swashbuckling, confident, athletic and handsome with a sentimental, romantic take on piracy. Baritone, flexible vocal range.

Samuel. 40s, male. Assistant Manager of the Penzance Putt-Putt. Sincere, earnest, and well-intentioned. Baritone, flexible vocal range.

Ruth. Flexible age, female. Frederic’s nearest relation. Alto, flexible vocal range. NB: While the essence of Ruth's character remains, her part has been altered to give Ruth’s character a more independent storyline. We have chosen to cut the song, “Oh false one you have deceived me”

General/Jen Stanley. Flexible age, male or female. House parent to the AΔPenzance sorority. Flexible vocal range.

Mabel. Possibly 20s, flexible age, female. AΔPenzance sorority president -or- alumni sorority sister, returning to Penzance for a reunion. Genuine, caring, self-possessed. Strong singer, Soprano. C4 - C6 (Eb6). While this part is written for a coloratura, there is flexibility and those with strong voices that fall outside of this range are highly encouraged to audition.

Edith, Kate & Isabel. Possibly 20s, flexible age, female. AΔPenzance sorority sisters -or- alumni sorority sisters, returning to Penzance for a reunion. Mezzo-Soprano, flexible vocal range.

Sergeant. Flexible age range, male or female. Leader of the boardwalk patrol. Written as Bass, though vocal range is flexible.

Ensemble of Pirates, Boardwalk Patrol, and Tourists. All ages welcome!

FLOT Warehouse - 3710 Leasure St.

Fri, May 10: 7:30PM - 9:30PM
Sat, May 11: 1:00PM - 5:00PM
Sun, May 12: 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Please bring sheet music for the piano accompanist. All roles are available.


We understand that not everyone can attend our in-person auditions on May 10, 11, and 12. In person auditions are always preferable, however, if you can't make it, please submit a video audition by Sunday, May 12.

For a video audition, you are asked to prepare

  • 16 bars of a song you feel most comfortable singing, in any style.

  • 16 bars of a song from the light opera/Golden Age tradition.

We would strongly prefer your video singing audition be accompanied by a live pianist. If this is absolutely not an option we will accept auditions with piano backing tracks or other instrumental backing tracks.

Golden Age/operetta selections could include:
Pirates of Penzance or other Gilbert and Sullivan work
Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Meredith Willson, Leonard Bernstein, etc

If you're unsure about suitable audition material, or are unable to find piano accompaniment, feel free to contact our music director, Phillip Heilbron, at


  • A video no more than 4 minutes of you performing a dance or special talent

If you have a special talent like dance, circus arts, rollerblading, martial arts, etc include a video showcasing your talent. The video should focus solely on you performing your talent in landscape view.

If you are unsure about what talents we would be interested in seeing feel free to contact our director, Tekla Butcher-Monson, at

Tips for a good video audition:

It's important to present yourself well in your video audition.

  • Present yourself the way you’d like to be seen. Dress, posture, and lighting matter.

  • Frame yourself so that your face and torso are the main focus of the video.

  • Film in landscape mode (turn your phone sideways).

  • Choose a non-distracting background.

  • Begin by introducing yourself and the title of your first song. Then, sing your first song. Next, introduce your second song and sing it. 

  • Do not edit or produce your video. Piano accompaniment or backing tracks should be recorded live with your voice in one shot. Create one single video with minimal edits and cuts. 

  • Watch your video audition before submitting. Make sure that the visual and audio quality are good.

*Updated: May 2, 2024